On Bed Head, or Mine’s Bigger

Don’t Quit Your Day Job

Apologies for the extraordinarily late posting.  The Boy treated me to a night out at a Tim Minchin concert last night, and… well, the comic wasn’t done yet at that point, nor was it done four hours after we got back, when I was too tired to think about looking at a computer screen any more.

I do have to say, however, that I’m becoming more and more pleased with my figure drawing.  I’m getting more comfortable with perspective and everything is generally becoming more consistent.  That is, in large part, thanks to my willingness to spend a little more time on the original drawings.  However, that’s also pushing me further back onto my Friday night deadline, so I’m trying to get my weekly schedule ironed out in an effort to avoid this new late posting habit.

So yeah… bed head.  Whoa.

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