These fools actually trust me with shiny things!

Don’t Quit Your Day Job

I’ve managed to sneak into the booth at the Hideout, and now I’m lighting the current main stage show.  Drunk on power?  You betcha.

I’m told tech’ing is as much an improv performance as what happens on the stage, but it is simultaneously much more natural and way more terrifying.  It’s a more organic performance, just shifting lights to follow the action, mirror the mood being described by the players, and leave enough light for the audience and photographer to clearly see what’s happening.  On the other hand, there is the persistent fear of blinding the performers and audience, or otherwise ruining the show with a wrong decision.

The cast and director have been really supportive and grateful, and I have to say that weekly cascade of, “Thanks/You’re Awesome/Great Job” is kind of addictive.